Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Accosted by the Christians ...

Accosted by the Christians at uni and invited to a bible study class I was asked by a young lady what my favorite bible passage was.

Ezekiel 23:20 I replied, giving her lovely flat chest a healthy amount of attention before I walked off.


KJ said...

*thumbs up*

I wonder if she was like me, and had to go look that passage up? ;oD

Must remember that for my next Christo convo.

Anonymous said...

*double thumbs up!*

word veri.....gooters.

Memphis said...

I don't have to look it up. It's old testament, back when God gave Adam testicles on the outside of his body, allowed Abraham and company to go around slaughtering people, invented circumcision, and generally seemed to be in a bad mood.

Somewhere there's a verse where people are told to go eat their own dung and drink their own piss. It was an insult directed at someone. It was particularly popular with us in Bible study when I was a kid. We'd look it up, show it to the person sitting next to us during a prayer, and crack them up. I've always assumed that God knew teenagers were going to be cracking up during prayers over that verse and thus doesn't get too upset about that.

Nearly ironic word verification: drogra

Sounds like 'dogma'

LẌ said...

[high five]

My favorite: John 11:35

Pretty much covers everything.

Spiky Zora Jones said...

Ezekiel...ah yes...he describes a flying, right. The bible is a great book of fiction.

great read...

Keiran said...

Try Corithians 1, verse 14:34-35.