I bought too many potatoes.
Anybody know any good recipes?
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smash them. no one can resist heaping piles of smashed potatoes. you know how to do that in australia, right?
my trick is instead of adding milk and butter, add heavy cream, butter, and chicken broth. do it slowly so you don't end up with soup, although that would be delicious. leave the skins on, pepper, chives, voila.
OK, I'll try it.
aside - I dont believe I'mm takign cooking advise from the country that makes 'pumpkin pie' and 'mother and child reunion'
home made chips are the best.
or potato bake.
or baked potatoes.
or mashed, like jens, but without the chicken broth becuase it sounds ewww (sorry jen).
Im a potato whore. i love me some carbs!
or potato and bacon pizza!
I love you both. I will post picks of my post potato gut in the next week.
no way, leesha. the broth makes them taste creamy and meaty and sooo good. trust me. if we're ever on the same continent, i'll make you my famous smashed potatoes. i stole the recipe from a local chef. they're awesome.
Are you kidding me?
AJIACO!! With that many potatoes, this typical coilombian soup is *the* dish to make during this cold winter.
Oh how I heart me some spuds! Baked, mashed, fried, scolloped, any way is awesome.
I vote for Potatos Au Gratin. Potatos+Cheese= yum.
What exactly is mother and child reunion?
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