Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Driver Training

Alex and I completed the Driver Training and Recovery modules of the Toyota Land Cruiser Club over the weekend.
Rain, frost, fires, mud - it was a hoot.
If I get 10 spare mins I'll edit up some of the other picks and vids and but raw stuff is here


LẌ said...

Oh, oh! Please take me off-roading!

KJ said...


Fusion said...

Looks like what I did with my ex-GF's BIL in the Dandenong Mountains of west Victoria three years back. Ran the ridges in the wilderness, very interesting considering my fear of heights...

Memphis said...

That looks like FUN!

Spiky Zora Jones said...

Yeehaw! I've ben in canyons that we didn;t think we'd make it to the top...my b/f was driving. he had me so scared...I was hanging on to dear life...

but when you make it to the top...the rush rockss.

later sweets. xxx

Spiky Zora Jones said...

oh...more please. ;)