Wednesday, January 26, 2011

'Stralia Day

What could be more Aussie than getting blasted by a few bluies down the beach on 'Stralia Day?
A misty but hot Australia Day spend down at Freshwater Beach. Bit squishy in surf due to the carnival taking up most of the beach.


KJ said...

And you swam anyway?! Ouch.

LẌ said...

The pix look like a lovely family outing. Hope you guys had a wonderful day.

white rabbit said...

Yikes! That's the (just about only) drawback to Australia - nasty things waiting to bite/sting/ do unpleasant things to you...

unique_stephen said...

Ute > yeah, kids too. Annalise was so keen to wear a bikini for the first time - now she has a cute little row of red dots more or less wrapped around her middle.

XL > We did, tnks.

Rabbit > Have you seen this. The other draw back is our skills at cricket.

Memphis said...

I had no idea the blue bottles were SO blue. I guess that makes them harder to see in the blue waters, eh?

tattytiara said...

I have no idea what those freaking things are but I would definitely give it the right of way. Namely if I saw one I'd get the hell out and let it have the ocean all to itself.

unique_stephen said...

Cheick this out