Monday, August 11, 2008

Got Crabs?

Ghost Crab
Saturday afternoon saw us down at Balmoral beach. The kids played in the sand for a few hours. I'm not sure if the best part was the kookaburra that nicked Alex's prawn cutlet or the kitsch Leb wedding going on behind us complete with the bride disguised as a huge meringue and pink lace bridesmaids chowing down on kebabs.


Fusion said...

Thankfully , no crabs. Don't like shellfish as a rule.

So why haven't I visited here before? Or have I? I con"fuse" myself...

And have really lame humour.

unique_stephen said...

It had a small entourage of gulls behind it reminiscent of the mine mine mine seen in nemo

unique_stephen said...

Fusion - in Spanish that would be 'with fuse', no?

phishez said...

A married man with crabs!

Strangely enough, not uncommon :(

LẌ said...

I thought all of the dangerous creatures in Oz were at least the size of dingos!?!?

Robubble said...

Gulls have been taking lessons from kookas. Some of my fish was swiped from over my shoulder by a gull last time we ate there. The kookas at Booderee NP are pretty adept at swiping food from your hand. My father in law lost two sandwiches en route to his mouth!